World's Largest & Most Innovative Brands Reap the Benefits of Cross-Channel Commerce Experiences

Redwood Shores, CA - January 31, 2013

News Facts
In 2012, Oracle Commerce adoption increased internationally and across numerous industries.

Expanded investment was seen from customers in North America, Latin America, Europe and Africa, while new growth was evident in APAC. With Oracle's acquisition of Oracle ATG Web Commerce and Oracle Endeca Commerce, Oracle's extensive service and support network within these geographies was activated and has fueled Oracle Commerce expansion.

Additionally, Oracle has increased product investment in Oracle Commerce to address the international market, by supporting 20 plus languages including German, Chinese and Russian.

In addition, Oracle Commerce was selected by both business-to-consumer and business-to-business organizations that span the retail, communications, distribution, manufacturing, travel, high-tech and healthcare industries.

The rapid growth and adoption of Oracle Commerce by global organizations across industries demonstrates the power of providing a compelling and targeted commerce experience across every opportunity that customers choose to interact with brands, including the Web, contact center, mobile devices, social media and stores.

Oracle Commerce combines Oracle's ATG Web Commerce and Oracle Endeca Commerce into a complete commerce solution.

Supporting Quotes

"Our investment in Oracle Commerce is an important step forward in our strategy to deliver an enhanced cross-channel customer experience for our customers and demonstrates that we truly are 'the First for Foodservice company,'" said Rene van Gelderen, Director IT and Program Management of Deli XL."We generate 82% of our revenue online, serving 20,000 customers in The Netherlands, Europe. We expect to continue to derive benefits from our Oracle Commerce platform implementation. Through its capabilities for relevant and personalized experience, we can now offer our customers a true cross-channel experience."

"Oracle Commerce has proven to be the definitive answer for some of the world's largest global brands because of its ability to handle the busiest websites sites even during peak times of year and with substantial increases in traffic. This fact, allows our customers to provide a consistent customer experience to their customers, that not only exceeds expectations, but delights consumers as well," said Ken Volpe, senior vice president, product development, Oracle. "Whether it's online, in the store, or on the go, Oracle Commerce will drive sales and create loyalty by unifying and optimizing customer interactions at every touchpoint."

Supporting Resources
Oracle Commerce
Oracle Customer Experience Blog
Video: Oracle Commerce Overview
About Oracle

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems company. For more information about Oracle, visit


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Christine Randle

Aaron Wessels
Blanc & Otus

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