Obrascón Huarte Lain, S.A. announced that the Board of Directors, based on a favourable report from the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, has agreed to accept, effective July 9, 2018, the resignation presented by Mr. Jose Luis Diez Garcia and Mr. Ignacio Moreno Martínez. The company appointed, as per the Appointments and Remuneration Committee´s proposal and in order to fill the vacancies produced by the abovementioned resignations, Mrs. Carmen de Andrés Conde and Mr. César Cañedo-Argüelles Torrejón, members by co-optation, both with the position of independent board members. Both appointments take place within the context of making the Board of Directors of the Company more technical, as announced during the past Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting, incorporating experienced individuals from the infrastructure sector. Finally, the Board has agreed to acknowledge the change of condition of Mr. Juan Antonio Santamera Sánchez, who losses the condition of proprietary member and becomes an "other external" member, according to the request made by the significant shareholder, Grupo Villar Mir, S.A.