Nyfosa AB (publ) (OM:NYF) signed an agreement to acquire a property portfolio of nine properties in Malmö from Skånska Industrifastigheter AB on July 10, 2019. The acquisition is intended to be financed through equity and bank loan. The properties have annual rental income of SEK 49.4 million. At three of the properties, construction must be completed to a value of approximately SEK 270 million through the seller's care. With regards to these properties, the transaction is conditional on completion of the contracts and on the tenants moving in and paying rent. Closing date for these properties shall take place no later than August 31, 2020, December 31, 2020, and March 31, 2021. Financial closing date for the remaining properties, which have a total property value of approximately SEK 425 million is on August 31, 2019. Nyfosa AB (publ) (OM:NYF) cancelled the acquisition of a property portfolio of nine properties in Malmö from Skånska Industrifastigheter AB on January 10, 2020.