Hybrid Fuels Inc. announced the planned expansion for its female product, a 100% natural female enhancement supplement. Puerto Rico is heating up this time of year and so is Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals. The supplement company is already selecting land parcels for a new facility in Puerto Rico and is also developing a request to have its products sold in stores across the island. One of the new products that has been proposed for further development in Puerto Rico is a performance enhancement supplement specifically formulated for women. While 48% of women in the U.S. suffer from low sex drive or depressed libido, the major pharmaceutical companies have focused almost exclusively on male performance and enhancement. The natural female enhancement product would help to balance a woman's hormone levels and increase physical desire. This supplement for women has not been named as of yet. However, Nouveau Life is planning to hold a number of public relations events across the island to promote the supplement and ask residents of Puerto Rico to assist in the naming of the new supplement.