NINtec Systems Limited is in the process of forming a wholly owned subsidiary in the Netherlands by the name Nintec Systems B.V., Authorized Capital: EUR 10,000 divided into 1,000,000 shares of one cent each., Size/Turnover: Not applicable (Nintec Systems Limited is yet to contribute to the share capital of Nintec systems B.V. and Nintec Systems B. V. is yet to commence business operations), Whether the acquisition would fall within related party transaction(s) and whether the promoter/promoter group/group companies have any interest in the entity being acquired? If yes, nature of interest and details thereof and whether the same is done at "arm' length: Nintec Systems B.v., by virtue of wholly owned subsidiary shall be a related party of Nintec Systems Limited. Save and except what is mentioned above, the Promoters/promoter group/group companies are not interested in the transaction.

Industry to which the entity being acquired belongs: Nintec Systems B., shall provide services in the field of information, information and knowledge technology, consultancy, telecommunication and information and communication technology solutions. Date of registration- July 12, 2023, History/Turnover- Not applicable, Nintec Systems B.'V. is registered in the Netherlands and is yet to commence its business operations., Country of incorporation: The Netherlands and is yet to commence their business operations., Country of incorporation is The Netherlands and is yet to commenced its business operations., Country of Inc., Country of incorporation: The Dutch Netherlands and is yet to commence the business operations. Country of incorporation: The Netherlands.

The business of Nintec Systems B.V. is in line with the business of Nintec Systems Limited. Nintec Systems Limited is yet to contribute to the share capital of Nintec Systems B.V. Entire initial subscription money of 10,000 Euro-yet to be paid. Percentage of shareholding/control acquired and /or number of shares acquired: 100%.