By decision of 15 March 2012, SIX Exchange Regulation has granted exemption to Newave Energy Holding SA from certain obligations stipulated by the listing rules.

The exemption from certain obligations stipulated by the listing rules has been granted to Newave Energy Holding SA until and including 19 August 2012 at the latest and includes:

  1. Preparation of the Annual Report 2011 (Art. 49 of Listing Rules);
  2. Issuance of a corporate calendar (Art. 52 of Listing Rules);
  3. Publication of ad hoc notices (Art. 53 of Listing Rules);
  4. Disclosure of management transactions (Art. 56 of Listing Rules);
  5. Fulfillment of certain regular reporting obligations (Art. 52 and 55 of Listing Rules in connection with Circular No 1, reporting obligations regarding maintaining listing, Annex 1, point 1.08 [only regarding internet link to the corporate calendar] as well as point 2.01).

The exemption from the mentioned obligations is in effect with the publication of this press release.

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This press release was issued by Newave Energy Holding SA and was initially posted at nBvcmF0ZV93ZWIvY2hlL25ld2F2ZS9wcmVzc19yZWxlYXNlLzY4XzkxOF84NTAwMC54bWw= . It was distributed, unedited and unaltered, by noodls on 2012-03-24 08:27:37 AM. The issuer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained therein.