NEO Finance, AB

Interim financial information for 2023 H1

Vilnius 2023-07-31

NEO Finance, AB Interim financial information for 2023 H1

NEO Finance, AB Confirmation of the responsible persons at the Company

We hereby confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, that NEO Finance, AB Interim financial information for 2023 H1 is a true and fair representation of the quarterly performance.

NEO Finance, AB

NEO Finance, AB

Head of Administration

Chief Financial Officer

Evaldas Remeikis

Tomas Savickas

31 July 2023


NEO Finance group


NEO Finance, AB Interim financial information for 2023 H1


NEO Finance, AB manager's comment


NEO Finance, AB company structure


Q2 2023 developments at NEO Finance, AB


Main NEO Finance, AB 2023 H1 financial indicators


Main NEO Finance, AB 2023 Q2 financial indicators


Financial reporting on the principle of business management


Capital of NEO Finance, AB


P2P lending platform Paskolų Klubas


NEO Finance, AB's investments


Institutional investor






NEO Finance, AB financial statements



NEO Finance group

NEO Finance, AB Interim financial information for 2023 H1

NEO Finance, AB manager's comment

The company's revenues in Q2 2023, compared to Q2 2022, surged by an impressive 45%, reaching EUR 1,094 thousand.

In the second quarter of 2023, NEO Finance, AB, experienced continued growth across all business segments, similar to the first quarter. The company's revenues in Q2 2023, compared to Q2 2022, surged by an impressive 45%, reaching EUR 1,094 thousand. The significant boost in revenues can be attributed to a substantial increase of 47% in

income from peer-to-peer lending activities. Additionally, with the rise in demand for consumer loans and active investments in consumer loans to ensure speedy loan financing, investment-related income skyrocketed by an outstanding 124%, reaching EUR 53.9 thousand. Furthermore, payment-related revenues saw a commendable growth of 27% during the comparative period.

The administered loan portfolio in the peer-to-peer lending business reached EUR 62.6 million by the end of the second quarter, marking a considerable increase of EUR 4.9 million from EUR 57.7 million at the

beginning of the quarter. Operating expenses also experienced a moderate rise of 3.9%, from EUR 444 thousand in Q2 2022 to EUR 461 thousand in the second quarter of this year. The company's EBITDA for Q2 2023 impressively surged by 281%, reaching EUR 200 thousand, whereas it was merely EUR 52.5 thousand in Q2 2022. Moreover, NEO Finance continues to successfully enhance its pre-tax profit line, achieving a pre-tax profit of EUR 99.9 thousand in Q2 2023, as opposed to a loss of EUR

19.4 thousand in the same quarter of 2022.

NEO Finance group


NEO Finance, AB Interim financial information for 2023 H1

It is worth noting that NEO Finance

recession continues, we can expect

of the first half. This amount is not

has not only improved the operational

the demand for consumer loans to

reflected in the Company's balance

scale of all business segments

keep increasing. It is important to


but has also managed to increase

emphasize that the loan delinquency

All these facts indicate that we are

revenues and profitability, despite

rate at the end of the second quarter

heading in the right direction and

the constant tightening of regulatory

was only 8.44%, compared to 8.59%

successfully advancing our business.

requirements for Fintech companies.

at the end of the first quarter. This

We are hopeful that in the future, we

The company remains committed to

indicates that the "Paskolų klubas"

will achieve even more successful

elevating investments in compliance,

team effectively manages risk. During

results and strengthen our position in

risk management, internal control,

Q2, we continued to focus significantly

the market.

information security, and anti-money

on improving customer experience


laundering and terrorist financing

and refining internal processes

prevention. During Q2, NEO Finance

to ensure a smooth and efficient

NEOPAY's second quarter of this year

significantly enhanced the processes

investment and loan application

proved to be quite successful, as the

related to international sanctions


transaction volume increased by 36%

implementation and improved

The first-half results reflect excellent

compared to the same quarter in

the necessary technical measures

growth and successful operational

2022. We took another step forward

to ensure compliance with these

performance. The total amount of

in the Polish market by successfully


loans co-financed on the "Paskolų

adding a new product - BLIK - to our

As the business volumes continue

Klubas" platform during this period

portfolio. This payment settlement

to grow and in order to tackle the

exceeded EUR 20.8 million, which is

product already holds over 70% of the

challenges arising from increased

19% more compared to the same

market share. With the introduction of

regulation, NEO Finance is further

period last year when the total co-

this product into our existing offering,

expanding its workforce, with an

financed loans reached EUR 17.6

we expect faster expansion and

approximately 10% increase in staff

million. The "Paskolų Klubas" team

consolidation in the Polish market.

during the quarter and over 20%

remains actively engaged in creative

Furthermore, this quarter marked

increase year-on-year. At the end of

efforts to attract loan seekers, and

the emergence of the first customers

Q2, the company had 42 employees,

with favorable market conditions, we

who integrated the "Neopay 3" ("Buy

whereas on the reporting date, the

continue to increase our market share

now - pay later") service into their

number reached 44.

in the consumer lending segment and

online stores. The Baltic countries and

successfully compete with established

Furthermore, in line with its strategic

Poland remain our largest markets in


goal to expand and strengthen

terms of transaction volume. We are

market positions in different business

During this half-year, intermediary

delighted to see our foothold in the

directions, NEO Finance successfully

and other platform-related revenues

Polish market growing stronger.

issued the first tranche of non-public

reached EUR 1.406 million, marking a


bonds with a maturity of 2 years on

remarkable growth of 40% compared

The crowdfunding platform

June 27. The value of the issued bonds

to the same period last year. We are

in the first tranche amounted to EUR

particularly pleased with the second

"FinoMark" acted as an intermediary

640 thousand.

quarter of this year, as we achieved

for issuing business loans amounting

Paskolų klubas

several records. Firstly, we listed more

to EUR 930 thousand in Q2 of 2023,

than EUR 354,900 worth of credits

compared to EUR 416 thousand of

Despite the rising EURIBOR interest

on the primary market in a single day

business loans financed in the same

rate index, which influences increasing

- historically the highest number of

quarter of 2022. The company's

interest rates on the "Paskolų Klubas"

consumer loan applications. In June,

revenues for the first half of 2023

platform, we observe that the

the platform co-financed a record-

reached EUR 163 thousand, whereas

demand for loans is not diminishing

breaking amount of loans - over

they amounted to EUR 68 thousand in

but rather growing. The second

EUR 4.2 million. Additionally, in June,

the first half of 2022. As "FinoMark" is

quarter saw a surge in consumer

we paid a record amount of interest

still in the early stages of its operation,

loan demand, leading us to assume

to investors, surpassing EUR 600

it has not yet generated positive

that a challenging economic situation


pre-tax profit for the first half of

has affected a larger portion of

Accrued future intermediary fees

2023, which amounted to EUR -68.3

Lithuanian residents. As the economic


reached EUR 9.708 million at the end


NEO Finance group


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NEO Finance AB published this content on 31 July 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 July 2023 13:36:24 UTC.