Nature Cell announced that it had started to recruit patients for its clinical trials of ‘ASTROSTEM,’ a stem cell drug for Alzheimer's disease treatment, in the U.S. The phase I and II clinical trials regarding Alzheimer's disease were approved by the U.S. FDA on November 24, 2016. In February 2017, IRB approval was obtained regarding the clinical trial protocol and on March 8, 2017, IRB final approval was obtained regarding Syrentis Clinical Research and ATP Clinical for the two hospitals in the U.S. which will act as institutions to conduct the clinical trial, meaning that all of the authorization processes were finalized and the recruitment of patients could finally be started. By continuously accumulating research results, Biostar Stem Cell Research Institute has developed special stem cells technology, allowing them to be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease by administering stem cells intravenously ten times (200 million cells/1 time). The initiation of commercial clinical trials in the U.S. regarding Alzheimer’s disease is expected to become a new milestone for Biostar Stem Cell Research Institute’s development of stem cell drug products. Through clinical trials to be conducted in the U.S., it is expected that the technology for administering stem cells intravenously multiple times will become the world standard technology. The representative remedy for Alzheimer's disease has been medicine with Donepezil HCI, which slows down symptoms. ASTROSTEM not only slows down symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease but may also reverse functions for good quality of life, allowing it to be greatly differentiated from existing remedies.