Name of issuer: NATIXIS S.A. joint stock company with a share capital of 5,049,522,403.20 euros
Registered under the nr B 542 044 524 RCS Paris
Registered Office: 30 avenue Pierre Mendès-France - 75013 Paris

Information relating to the total number total of voting rights and of shares pursuant to Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) General Regulations.



Number of shares composing current share capitalTotal number of voting rights

December 31, 2020






Gross total: 3,155,951,502


Net total*: 3,151,936,839


 * Net total: total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares – shares without voting rights (treasury stock, etc.)

The €5,049,522,403.20 share capital has been registered by a decision of the Chief Executive Officer on
July 28, 2020.

 Note: This translation is for information purposes only. In case of inconsistencies between the French version and the English version of this document, the French version shall prevail


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