Microsoft Word - Announcement - Appointment of alternate director 102485360_6 - Rev 27 Oc...

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(the 'Company')

(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 66)

Appointment of Alternate Director

The Company is pleased to announce that the office of the Deputy Secretary for Development (Works)2 ("DS for D") has been appointed as an Alternate Director to the office of the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) ("PS for D") (Mr. Wai Chi-sing) with effect from 20 October 2014.
The Company is pleased to announce that the office of the DS for D has been appointed as an Alternate Director to the office of the PS for D (Mr. Wai Chi-sing) with effect from 20 October 2014. Mr. Chan Chi-ming, who currently holds the post of the DS for D, has, therefore, by virtue of holding such post, become an Alternate Director to the office of the PS for D with effect from the same date.
The PS for D is a non-executive Director of the Company appointed by the Chief Executive (the "Chief Executive") of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the "HKSAR") pursuant to the Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Chapter
556 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the "MTR Ordinance") and has appointed the
DS for D as its Alternate Director.
Mr. Chan (aged 53) has not entered into any contract of service with the Company nor is he appointed for a specific term. Mr. Chan does not receive any emoluments from the Company. Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company, Directors of the Company appointed by the Chief Executive pursuant to the MTR Ordinance are not required to retire by rotation at the annual general meetings of the Company.
Mr. Chan joined the Government of the HKSAR (the "Government") in 1985 and has served in various departments of the Government since then. Before being appointed to the post of the DS for D, he was Deputy Director of the Civil Engineering and Development Department of the Government. Mr. Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now called The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) in 1982 and has obtained a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of London and a Master of Arts Degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.


Save as disclosed above and as at the date of this announcement, Mr. Chan has not held any directorship in the last three years in any public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas, and does not hold any other position with the Company or its subsidiaries.
Mr. Chan is not related to any Directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholder of the Company except that he holds the post of the DS for D in the Government, and The Financial Secretary Incorporated which holds shares in the Company in trust for the Government, is a controlling shareholder of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Chan is not interested in any shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the "SFO") as recorded in the register required to be kept under section 352 of the SFO or as otherwise notified to the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers.
In respect of Mr. Chan's appointment, there is no other information which is discloseable pursuant to any of the requirements of the provisions of rules
13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and there is no other matter relating to his appointment which needs to be brought to the attention of the holders of securities of the Company.
By Order of the Board Gillian Elizabeth Meller Company Secretary
Hong Kong, 28 October 2014
As at the date of this announcement:

Members of the Board: Dr. Raymond Ch'ien Kuo-fung (Chairman)**, Pamela Chan Wong Shui*, Dr. Dorothy Chan Yuen Tak-fai*, Vincent Cheng Hoi-chuen*, Christine Fang Meng-sang*, Edward Ho Sing-tin*, Kwan Yuk-choi*, Lucia Li Li Ka-lai*, Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang*, Alasdair George Morrison*, Ng Leung-sing*, Abraham Shek Lai-him*, T. Brian Stevenson*, Benjamin Tang Kwok-bun*, Professor Chan Ka-keung, Ceajer (Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury)**, Secretary for Transport and Housing (Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung)**, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (Wai Chi-sing)** and Commissioner for Transport (Ingrid Yeung Ho Poi-yan)**

Members of the Executive Directorate: Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen (Acting Chief Executive Officer), Morris Cheung Siu-wa, Jacob Kam Chak-pui, Stephen Law Cheuk-kin, Gillian Elizabeth Meller, David Tang Chi-fai, Philco Wong Nai-keung and Jeny Yeung Mei-chun

* independent non-executive Director

** non-executive Director

This announcement is made in English and Chinese. In case of any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.


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