Moss Genomics Inc. announced signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Proteic Bioscience Inc. (Proteic). The MOU outlines an essential understanding of a proposed collaboration between Moss and Proteic to design a suite of new protein structures for the development of commercial supplements intended to improve gut health, as well as the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for personalized beauty products and service recommendations based on individual genomics and microbiome analysis. Proteic is an arms-length Vancouver-based private company that utilizes its proprietary AI design platform to develop new biological protein structures for the bioscience market.

Moss is a San Diego-based consumer genomics company that offers personalized health, anti-aging, and wellness offerings guided by genomic, microbiome, and epigenome data to eliminate barriers in healthcare by offering at-home, affordable testing paired with actionable results. Moss and Proteic intend to work together to identify high-value gut targets and develop personalized molecular supplements based on genetics and laboratory testing. Proteic will provide access to its technology platform for the design and development of specialized protein molecules targeting these high-value gut targets, resulting in various commercially viable products jointly owned by two companies.

In addition, this collaboration aims to utilize cutting-edge technologies, including genomics and artificial intelligence, to create personalized beauty products and services that are tailored to each individual's unique genetic makeup and microbiome. By analyzing an individual's genetic and microbiome data, the algorithms will be able to identify specific skin care needs and make product and service recommendations that are optimized for personal skin type and condition. The collaboration represents an exciting opportunity to bring together two rapidly advancing fields - genomics and protein design - and use them to create new and innovative products and services that are truly personalized to each individual's needs.