Julie Vecera

Acupuncturist, Nutritionist and Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner
View more about Julie via bumpcarlton.com.au website here

We often hear how lack of sleep or irregular sleeping habits can make us fat! Well there is a reason for this, and it's to do with hormones. Most hormone secretion is controlled by our circadian rhythm of which sleep plays a major role in. This process is easily disrupted by lack of sleep, late nights, shift work, etc.

When the production of melatonin and cortisol are affected during this time we can feel a 'jet lag' feeling the following day. During sleep, our bodies work hard to repair cells and regulate hormones such as leptin which is an important link between sleep and fertility.

Without proper leptin production menstrual cycles can become irregular. Moreover, sleep, or lack of, affects important fertility hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, LH and FSH, all very important if you are trying to fall pregnant!

Try to keep to a similar sleeping pattern each night and have at least 7-8 hours of sleep nightly:

  • exercise helps us sleep, but not too close to bed time
  • avoid coffee in the evenings
  • wind down and relax before bedtime (turn of TV and other devices)
  • put your feet up the wall and lie on the floor for 10 min (this slows the heart rate down)
  • try some camomile tea or warm almond milk
  • a heaped teaspoon of magnesium powder in a small glass of water before bed can help

Nite, Nite…

Dr Julie Rani Vecera is a Chinese Medical Practitioner, Nutritional Advisor and Acupuncturist. She is available for private consultations in various locations in Melbourne or via Skype.bumpcarlton.com.au or bumplusnutrition.com

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