MLG Oz Limited announced that it has been awarded a material 5 year contract by Western Australian gold miner Westgold Resources Limited (Westgold). The contract will service Westgold's operational hubs across the Murchison and Bryah Basin regions and leverages MLG's integrated support model. The contract focusses on enhancing Westgold's operating efficiencies, consolidates MLG's resources in the Mid-West region and represents a material win for MLG.

Westgold is a major Mid-West miner and owns and operates the Tuckabianna, Bluebird and Fortnum processing hubs across the Murchison and Bryah Basin regions of Western Australia. Westgold's objective is to leverage MLG's existing fleet capacity to enhance operational efficiencies by utilising MLG's latest road haulage technical advancements. Westgold to provide dedicated maintenance facilities at each of their sites to support MLG operations.

Scope of services includes the delivery of in pit, off and on-road haulage, road maintenance and run of mine (ROM) management services activities across all of Westgold's operations. Initial ramp up and mobilisation activities to commence in October 2022 Anticipated annual revenues of circa $40 million with revenue to build from December 2022. Contract expected to contribute approximately $30 million in revenue in Fiscal 2023.