MinRex Resources announced the granting of the exploration licence E45/5871 by the WA Mines Department and the first pass ground geological mapping and rock chip sampling program over the Sisters Lithium Project. The exploration program identified of extensive lithium-tantalum-tin rich pegmatites on the ground. Sister Lithium Project; The Sisters Project is situated 1.75km east of Global Lithium Ltd. Archer Lithium Deposit which hosts 10.5Mt @ 1.0% Li2O. The project hosts the same greenstone belt as the Archer Deposit. Reconnaissance concentrated on the identification of outcropping lithium rich pegmatites between the greenstone belt and the Homeward Granite contact
areas. Extensive pegmatites were delineated within the granitic intrusion and the contact zone between the greenstone and granite and within the greenstone outside of the granite areas. Two zones of spodumene rich pegmatites were located in the southern zone of E45/5871 striking in a north-south direction with the greenstone lithology. These pegmatites are striking between 200 and 550 with individual pegmatites ranging from 50m to 300m in length. Some of the pegmatites range from 0.5m to 3.5m in width with some lepidolite pegmatite dykes trending the same orientation as the main pegmatites. Historically, a total of 370 soil samples were taken during several sampling campaigns from 2008 and 2017 by Global Lithium Resources and Montezume Mining Company Ltd. The majority of the sampling mainly cover a large area in the central and south zones of E45/5871. Based on the soil geochemistry, there an extensive rubidium halo approximately 4.4km in length by 2.7km in width (>100 ppm Rb with peak values of 247 ppm Rb from sample MB0106) covering both the Greenstone and Homeward Bound Granite. MinRex rock chip samples have also confirmed LCT (Lithium-Caesium-Tantalum) pegmatites-based on the geochemistry from rock chip sample MRR024. This may form a large complex spodumene bearing pegmatite system with tin, tantalum mineralisation. This remains to be tested by the upcoming RC drill programme. A total of 8 target areas have been selected within the project based on the combination of soil geochemistry and mapped pegmatite zones. These have been preferentially selected over known pegmatite dykes within elevated lithium assays from soil sampling (greater than 70 ppm Li) . Approximately 50% of the current tenure remains completely untested by surface geochemistry or mapping and will be granted priority status in the upcoming months. Ground exploration activities will concentrate in the north-west portion of E45/5871.