Paige announced a collaboration with Microsoft to apply the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to digital pathology images to develop and deliver a new generation of clinical applications and computational biomarkers to transform cancer diagnosis and patient care. Microsoft will also make a strategic investment in Paige to accelerate the development and deployment of life-saving AI diagnostics. Through the collaboration, Paige and Microsoft will scale Paige's technology globally and accelerate the adoption of AI in digital pathology.

Paige will use Microsoft Azure as its cloud provider for the Paige Platform, a comprehensive solution to power a lab's digital pathology workflow that consists of data management, cloud storage options and FullFocus®, an FDA-cleared whole-slide image viewer. As part of this collaboration, Paige will become a Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare partner and enable Microsoft to enhance its own offerings for healthcare customers. Clinical AI applications have the potential to help pathologists diagnose cancer more confidently and efficiently, with the ultimate goal of improving patient care.

Paige puts the power of AI into the hands of pathologists by developing novel AI applications on a powerful platform, making it easy to deploy AI in laboratories globally. Paige will work with other entities, including Microsoft Research on developing large scale machine learning models to push the boundaries of research in oncology and pathology. Paige is also working with Nuance, a Microsoft company, on integrating their offering with Nuance's Precision Imaging Network.

Paige technology will be offered as a partner solution in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, expanding access to cutting-edge digital cancer diagnostic tools. Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare connects customers with trusted partner solutions that make it easier to create personalized patient experiences, give clinicians connected tools, and adopt data standards important to healthcare. Together with Nuance, healthcare organizations can access the broadest and deepest set of trusted AI solutions to address the biggest challenges in the industry.

Paige becoming a Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare partner extends the solution's robust capabilities and helps Paige reach new customers.