Microchip Technology Inc. announced that MOST150 Technology has been implemented in the new Volvo S90. This is the second Volvo model where its infotainment system includes MOST150 technology. Volvo Cars has been utilizing Microchip's technology for many years and recently began utilizing MOST150, the latest MOST technology from Microchip.

MOST150 is the first standard to provide a proven, automotive-ready physical layer for Ethernet packet transport inside vehicles in accordance with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet specifications. The MOST150 standard continues to meet Volvo Cars´ bandwidth demands. This latest version of MOST technology can transport video, audio, packet and control data with zero processor overhead and offers dedicated application specific hardware interfaces to simplify data communication.

MOST150 also offers a robust and proven method of system management and control with superior and reliable Quality of Service (QoS). In addition, the MOST technology networked infotainment system features ultrafast system startup behavior to support early audio applications. The MOST Cooperation standards enable automotive OEMs and their Tier 1 suppliers with a proven and well-supported methodology for defining and implementing high-bandwidth infotainment and Advanced Driver Assistance (ADAS) systems, including a standard physical layer and a robust method for system management and control with superior reliability and Quality of Service (QoS).

Using MOST technology also reduces weight for easier compliance with environmental regulations.