MFC Industrial Investment Property and Leasehold Fund announced earnings results for the full year ended December 31, 2015. For the year, the company reported total income of THB 149,209,387.97 compared with THB 162,241,907.86 for the same period a year ago. Net income from investments was THB 117,871,670.73 compared with THB 138,933,703.90 for the same period a year ago.

Net assets at the end of the year was THB 1,618,441,122.95 compared with THB 1,771,037,719.85 for the same period a year ago. Net cash provided by operating activities was THB 297,976,966.25 compared with THB 79,540,098.49 for the same period a year ago. Net asset value at the end of the year was THB 9.4095 per share compared with THB 10.2967 per share for the same period a year ago.

Net profit of THB 144,275,000 or THB 0.8388 per share compared with THB 134,393,000 or THB 0.7814 per share for the same period a year ago.