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  1. April 2016

    ·rhe Manager

    Company Al1ll(luncements Office ASX Limited

  2. Hrid ge Street

Sydni?y NSW 2000

By electronic lodgtm1ent

I>,ar Sir/Madnm

Re: Notice 11f i11th1.l sub8t1111thll holder - M.etuls X Lfodted

Ruffer LU'

80 Vict()ria Street

London :SWl E 5JL

Fax +44 (0)20 7963 8175

www.n1ffkr. co.uk

We enclose a mnlce of initial substantial holder in Metals X Limited, This notice is given by R uffer


Yours faithfull y

·r«my Allen

Compliance Manager attach

Form 603

Gorporotli'.mt Act 2QQ1

lleolilln &71 a

Notice of inithwl aubawnti1Iholder

ACN AR5N Uo l!l O 055

l, Oetallo ohub•lantlal holdor (1)

ACNIARSN (If applicable)

2, Oo!•II• of voling powor

Tho total number of votoo ott•chod to all !ho vot1n9 oho100 111 tho 00111po11y or voling lntoroot• in ho oohomo that tho oubstantial holdor or an

aeaoclat• (2) hud • rolovant intorost (3) in nn tho date tho mubotantii!I hOldor b1>camo a •ubstantial Mldor are as follows:

C!H.%-% of t(1c1.idtift!% (4}

Nvrnbor of f&(M.ul'it!*

P®('fOP'U vntVJ$ i,G)


:= ·14 .,,. ,,,.,t:v Pully !'u.id

24 ; 3.4@ _. 434



J, Ootalls of rolovant lntere.olo

The nature of the relevant interest the substantial holder or an associate had in the following voting securitien on tho data tho substantial holder became a subst:antlal holder are aa follow.:

1''hti:'H1J!).l !tt)1nt Jq )·.'·{ .111\{j;'1t:.', i:i ( '.!'.'MAIIJ l 1ndf,'!):f."

w"t:d..Oh J, t.· rw© x:-v11,ui (%. ii:! :knvr;,,;m t:.nw11·1t. : dv.i t}i';iv

tC1 ()'It(.,:' Ki , 0 00 di@1::::t·fi t iot.1W.t'Y c:.l.. t(Jj"t;J;1

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nn or. l'J:ifJH . A.

(:tU:'X'.'fi-',nt:L y th@ b ,)nwf.L(:.i,il hi"J.'t.dt.r;: f)t: thfJ t.1;H ·1;er ' !3 ;ec:u.r i t: i.&.:t , being a

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lh,.f: L:t r Gol.f;l FtJ.n.d , HQw::.ve:i.'.·, in. thii.

f:ut.1r1: ;. t:. ,ifJ po.Q;f1,:i.bl, t'.h'clt,;su .r · I

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th'1;', A,¢;(:t:i.Unt';tJ ,

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01.1.,1 t:.hqir:J.1;:(IN;t (iq)·:--pYll.t.(1 i if;

R1.d:f m-r Guld. Pnnd.} lfV1 1;- wkl.:i.(;h R,1,i t' t i·

4, t;Joiall• of pm•ont m9i,toro(l h,;il

Tho pet'$Orri r@JJh t.@r!:}d aa: hoktr2i of the socvtitkri refonod to in paragraph 3 mbov, :,r a.s fqllows:

5, Conslctoratloo

The consideration paid for aach relevant interest referred to i11 paragraph 3 above, and equlred In the tour months prior to the day that the substantial holder became a sub$t nH$1 ho!Qer ltt, as fotows;


MOkJt,tf t>f' .,, ...,. Dul!1 of I I l) Cl!iH,mo 11umrio1 of


Em@ An:neixur H


tj, A$$QQ.IOtfl

ThEj n!lasOITf the pe1'$0r1$ naned In par'@graph t above sr 11H;1cH:0la,tEii:J

Narnc ;..ind ACN/AHGN (ff s1,pplicr•1bl 1)


7, Adctres$eS

The addresses of pers.ons named in this form are .as follows:



i{uf f ar,


00 vJ1;1, ovto

0t.r.·cw 1;r





print name


Co.ropl a:r.i.c@ Ma.nager

sign here

lB/ 04./.l O l6



  1. lf there are a number of substa.ntiat ho!defs with similar or related r¢evant interests. (eg. a corporation and its related corporations, or the manager and tn;sta,e of s.n equity tru.st), the narnes could be included ln an annexure. to the fr.::irrrt tf the relevant fntere.sts of $ grovp ot pemons ace essentially similar, they may be refeffed to throughout tho form as a speclfica,lly named group if the membership of each group, with the. names and addresses of members Is cleer!y set out in paragraph 7 of the form.

  2. See the definition of "associate'' in section B of tho Gnrporallons Act 2001,

  3. See the definition of "rel608 and 671!li7) of me Cocpocations Act 2001,

  4. The voting sharas of • company constitute one clas unless divided into sepacate claoses.

  5. TM total number clvotH attached to all the voting oharea In !110 oompany 01 voting interH!o In the achothat lhe person or an associate haa a relevant interest In.

Vi Include cl• •II• of:

M any relevant agreement or other clroum•tancH by which tile relevant interest wH acqulrIf aubuctlon 671! (4) appllH, " copy of any documor1t Htth19 ou! the form• of any relevant agroornonl, and m stategiving !vii •nd •ccurata details of My contraGt, ochow1m n wrltlr,n •tntemanl certifying mi11 contract, acheme or mrrongomont: and

(b) any quaH!lcotlon or ttlo powor nt o poroon 10 exercloe, control tho oxorclH of, or Influence tho exemiso of, tho voting powers or diapooal of the •eourltiHto which the relevant interest r01st0s (jthe particular sricurrtle• to whloh the quall lcatlon applies).

See the definition of "relevant agreement" In section S of!he Corporalon• Act 2001,

($) It the substantial holder I& unable to determine the identity of the person ( eg I!the relevant 1ntecest acisas because of an option) wclle "unknown"

(9) Details of the. consideration must include any and H bQneflM:;.. rnoney and ot.her, that any person from whom a relt1vant fnterest was ac.qulreif the benefit is conditional on the happening or not of a Mntingency, Details must be Included of any heneftt pa.kl on behalf of the sub$!antl;il holdec or its associate in relat.lon to the acquisitions, eve.n lf they are not paid directly to the person from whom the relevant interest was acquir@(j.

Metals X Limited issued this content on 20 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 April 2016 01:45:08 UTC

Original Document: http://www.metalsx.com.au/system/announcements/707/20160419_Becoming_a_Substantial_Holder_Ruffer.pdf