No firm offer has yet been received to take over Metex Nøøvistago, the operating site belonging to Metabolic Explorer, the industrial fermentation specialist threatened with receivership announced on Monday.

As the deadline for submitting offers for the plant had been set for today, the receivers have decided to extend this deadline to June 3.

This extension should enable potential buyers to position themselves, in particular the Avril group with whom discussions have been actively held over the last few days concerning a project to take over the activities of the Amiens plant and part of Metabolic Explorer's R&D business.

The Paris Commercial Court will examine Metabolic Explorer's application to convert its safeguard procedure into a receivership on June 3.

In a press release, the manufacturer of natural ingredients draws the attention of investors to the fact that the proceeds to be received in the event of the Commercial Court's decision to accept an offer under a disposal plan may not result in payments to shareholders once the activities have been sold in the event of judicial liquidation.

The suspension of the quotation of the share will therefore be maintained.

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