The Government is committed to eradicating corruption and restore public confidence on service delivery at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA).

Head of Public Service Felix Koskei said reforms will be carried out at KEMSA to ensure efficiency and accountability in service delivery.

He asked the management of KEMSA and its employees to support President William Ruto's war against corruption.

Mr Koskei said conflict of interest, wastage of public resources and abuse of power will not be tolerated in the public service.

"We are not going to entertain corruption in Government," he said.

Mr Kosgei made the remarks at KEMSA Ultra modern warehouse in Embakasi, on Thursday, where he met the authority's management and employees.

Present were Principal Secretary State Department of Medical Services, Harry Kimtai, KEMSA chair Irungu Nyakera, and KEMSA acting CEO Andrew Mulwa.

The Head of Public Service said KEMSA is a vital institution the Government relies on to deliver Universal Health Coverage.

"Corruption in this sector can make the difference between life and death," he said.

He asked KEMSA employees to speak out if they witness or are coerced to engage in corruption.

Mr Koskei also asked members of the public to be vigilant and report cases of corruption to the relevant authorities.

"Those who support the President in fighting corruption will be protected," he said.

Mr Kimtai said reforms initiated by the new team at KEMSA will transform the institution and enhance efficiency.

Mr Mulwa said KEMSA is committed to delivering its mandate to ensure the Government's health agenda succeeds.

Mr Nyakera said KEMSA has put in place systems to track all the operations to enhance transparency and accountability.

"We must rebuild our public image, not through the media but through our actions," he added.

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