According to Section 18§ (1) of Act XXX of 1997 on Mortgage Loan Companies and on Mortgage Bonds FHB Mortgage Bank Co. Plc. hereby informs its clients about the outstanding amount of its Mortgage Bonds and Collaterals as of 31st December 2012.
Amount of the outstanding Mortgage Bonds
HUF  304 041 168 000
interest: HUF    74 691 343 578
total: HUF  378 732 511 578
amount of Ordinary Collateral
principal: HUF  356 289 781 455
HUF  210 289 796 883
total: HUF  566 579 578 338
amount of Supplementary Collateral
balance of the separate blocked account at the National Bank of Hungary - principal HUF 0
total: HUF 0

Budapest, 15th January 2013

Gyula Köbli László Harmati
CEO of Strategy and Finance
CEO of Business
Közzétéve: 1/17/2013 8:00 AM A(z) Mortgage Bonds and Collaterals az FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt közleménye.
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