Mauna Kea Technologies announced on Tuesday that its Cellvizio cellular imaging platform has been installed at the University of Cork, a world center of excellence in the field of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

This deployment comes at a time when Prof. Marietta Iacucci, who has demonstrated the clinical value of computer-assisted image analysis with molecular labeling and gene expression for the identification of biomarkers, is in the process of deploying her Cellvizio platform in Ireland. Marietta Iacucci, who has demonstrated the clinical value of computer-assisted image analysis with molecular tagging and gene expression for the identification of biomarkers of response to biological therapy in IBD patients, has recently joined the university.

In a press release, the scientist says she wants to continue deepening the center's knowledge through the combination of cutting-edge technologies such as AI, multi-omics analysis and pCLE.

This is Cellvizio's first installation in Ireland for clinical purposes.

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