Master Components Limited informed that the company is kick-starting the process of implementation of PMTRACK ERP software in the organization. Accordingly the company has awarded purchase order for installation and implementation of the license software of ERP system and supporting hardware devices to domestic supplier amounting to INR 15,53,528/- (including tax) approximately. Name of the entity to which order(s)/contract(s) is awarded: Domestic Supplier Whether order(s) /contract(s) is awarded to domestic/international entity: Domestic Entity.

Significant terms and conditions of order(s)/contract(s) awarded, in brief: Payment of Software charges 50% Advance + Remaining Software Charges will be paid in 5 equal Installments (INR 62500) after we Go-live. Payment of hardware devices 50% Advance against proforma + 50% After 30 days of Installation. Time period, if any, associated with the order(s)/contract(s); End of June, 2024.

Broad commercial consideration or size of the order(s)/contract(s); Approximately around INR 15,53,528/- (including tax). Nature of order(s) /contract(s): Purchase and installation of PMTRACK ERP Server system and supporting software and hardware.