Masimo announced the CE marking and release of RD rainbow Lite SET™ sensors, which enable the monitoring of Masimo Oxygen Reserve Index™ (ORi™) and RPVi™, an improved PVi® that allows clinicians to assess fluid responsiveness noninvasively and continuously at a fraction of the cost of invasive methods, and at a fraction of the cost of rainbow® sensors. rainbow Lite sensors utilize twice as many wavelengths of light as SET® sensors, allowing rainbow Lite sensors to provide ORi and RPVi along with Masimo SET® Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion™ pulse oximetry. ORi is the first noninvasive and continuous parameter to provide insight into a patient’s oxygen reserve in the moderate hyperoxic range. In conjunction with SET® pulse oximetry, ORi may provide advanced warning of impending desaturation, which may allow clinicians to intervene sooner. For example, in a study of 25 pediatric patients undergoing general anesthesia with orotracheal intubation, researchers found that ORi helped clinicians identify impending desaturation a median of 31.5 seconds before noticeable changes in oxygen saturation (SpO2) occurred. In another recent study of 106 adult patients scheduled for surgery with arterial catheterization and intraoperative blood gases analyses, researchers found a significant relationship between change in PaO2 and change in ORi. In addition, ORi may provide insight into oxygen reserve when titrating patients who are receiving supplemental oxygen. With the addition of RD rainbow Lite SET, the RD family of sensors is now available in three levels of capability: RD SET, utilizing two wavelengths (2 LED) and featuring SET® pulse oximetry; RD rainbow Lite SET, which utilizes four wavelengths (4 LED) and adds the ability to measure ORi and RPVi; and RD rainbow SET, which utilizes over seven wavelengths (7+ LED) and enables the measurement of additional advanced noninvasive parameters such as SpHb® (total hemoglobin), SpCO® (carboxyhemoglobin), SpMet® (methemoglobin), and SpOC™ (oxygen content).