Marrone Bio Innovations (MBI), Inc. and Nufarm Australia Limited announced the signing of a commercial agreement to develop GRANDEVO® Bioinsecticide, with Nufarm to be the exclusive distributor in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ). Grandevo is a new generation product that helps growers effectively protect their crops against chewing and sucking insects and mites including mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, Lygus bug, armyworms and other pests. The active ingredient in GRANDEVO® is a unique species of non-living bacteria that produces insecticidal compounds during the fermentation manufacturing process. GRANDEVO® provides resistance management in an IPM program, while not harming beneficial insects and pollinators. It is also exempt from the requirement of a food tolerance, and provides an effective solution for late season pest control on exported crops that are subject to maximum residue levels.