An unknown financial partner of Markray Corp. (OTCPK:RVBR) made an offer to acquire Markray Corp. (OTCPK:RVBR) from Olga Smolinkova and other shareholders for approximately $180 million on February 28, 2012. Under the terms of the offer, the financial partner will purchase the outstanding shares of Markray as well as all the rights to the options that Markray has to process additional minerals and thereby increase its production. The offer to purchase all the outstanding shares of Markray Corp. is $0.90 per share. The Board of Directors of Markray shall examine the offer and render the information public on March 6, 2012. As of March 12, 2012, the Board of Directors of Markray concurs with this offer and present it to the shareholders for their acceptance. Upon acceptance, the Board shall follow the normal procedures to complete the transaction. On March 17, 2012, the shareholders of Markray requested for a delay in the required approval. The Shareholders have consulted an accounting firm to make a summary report on the value of the corporate stock.