Mangoceuticals, Inc. announce the development of proprietary formulations of Enclomiphene Citrate, Pregnenolone and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in an Oral Dissolvable Tablet (ODT) aimed at restoring hormonal balance and naturally increasing testosterone levels in men. MOJO represents the advancement in addressing male hormonal imbalances, particularly hypogonadism (low testosterone) through this unique and powerful formulation and will be offered as an alternative to the Company?s existing FDA approved oral Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), PRIME by MangoRx, powered by Kyzatrex®. MOJO?s key components and therapeutic benefits include the following innovative compounded ingredients: Enclomiphene Citrate: A purified isomer of Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) which has been FDA approved since 1967 and has been proven to be effective in stimulating the body's natural testosterone production, addressing hormonal imbalances at their source.

DHEA: A precursor hormone that supports overall hormonal balance, DHEA is linked to improvements in energy levels, mood, and general well-being. Pregnenolone: Known as the ?mother hormone,? Pregnenolone plays a crucial part in the production of other essential hormones and supports cognitive and mental health.

Low testosterone is a widespread condition that affects millions of men globally, presenting significant challenges to overall health and quality of life. Traditional treatments often present undesirable side effects or compromise fertility. MOJO leverages and features the synergistic effects of Enclomiphene citrate, DHEA, and Pregnenolone to address these issues effectively and safely, setting a new standard in male hormonal therapy.