Mammoth Resources Corp. announced that it has received and interpreted results from its PIMA - X-ray Diffraction (XRD) sampling program and analysis completed in late 2016 at its Tenoriba, High Sulphidation gold-silver property located in the prolific Sierra Madre area of southwestern Chihuahua State, Mexico. These results provide the company with improved recognition of areas within the larger 15 square kilometer area of precious metal mineralization that would appear to be nearer more intense hydrothermal activity. The model for a High Sulphidation precious metal system, as is believed to exist at Tenoriba, suggests that the nearer the source of hydrothermal activity, the nearer one is to identifying the sources of the precious metal mineralization on the property. The results of this program combined with additional indications hydrothermal activity such as hydrothermal breccias, intense silicification and vuggy silica, associated with favourable geochemistry and precious metal mineralization, reinforces and helps better define the most likely source of the mineralization on the property. Based on these encouraging results we’d like to return to the property and tighten the sample spacing in some of the more favourable areas at Los Carenitos and El Moreno to see if it can’t better define the proximity to this hydrothermal source in these areas and expand the grid in areas of lesser coverage at Cerro Colorado and to the east of Los Carenitos to see if it can hone-in even further in these areas where the combination of attractive features could make the most attractive drill targets. The objective of the PIMA - XRD program was to systematically collect and analyze rock samples over the 15 square kilometre (sq km) area of precious metal mineralization to determine the type of alteration clay minerals present in these rocks associated with degrees of alteration and presence of gold and silver, such alteration believed to be the product of hydrothermal activity carrying and depositing the precious metals in these rocks. A total of 202 samples were collected along 14, approximately north-south trending lines averaging from one to two kilometres in length spaced 500 metres apart with samples collected every 100 metres along the lines. Samples were sent to Recursos Geosiences de Mexico S. A de C.V (RGM) in Hermosillo, Sonora State, Mexico for XRD analysis with Terraspec. Thirteen lines cover the majority of the target 15 sq km area previously defined to contain abundant surface gold mineralization via rock chip sampling and an initial diamond drill program which tested approximately 20% of this area with 15 drill holes, the highest grade intersection assaying 45.9 grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 1.9 metres and the highest surface sample assayed on the property graded 74 g/t gold.