Lithium Americas Corp. announce the publication of the Notice of Intent (“NOI”) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) for the Thacker Pass lithium claystone project (“Thacker Pass” or the “Project”) located in northwestern Nevada. Thacker Pass is 100% owned by Lithium Nevada Corp. (“Lithium Nevada”), a Nevada corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lithium Americas. The NOI formally commences the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) EIS preparation and public engagement process by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”). The NEPA process is designed to help public officials complete permitting decisions that are protective of the environment and includes a public engagement process. The 12-month NEPA period is scheduled to include the BLM’s Record of Decision (“ROD”), representing the BLM’s final decision on Lithium Nevada’s application for an approved Plan of Operations. In October 2019, the BLM engaged ICF Jones & Stokes Inc. (“ICF”), an experienced NEPA consultant, to prepare the EIS. The BLM, Lithium Nevada and ICF have entered into Memorandums of Understanding that define the timeline and support the overall management of the EIS-development process. The publication of the NOI on January 21, 2020, follows the final Plan of Operations which was accepted by the BLM in September 2019. The Plan of Operations includes production of battery-grade lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate, lithium metal (up to 60,000 tons per annum (“tpa”) of lithium carbonate equivalent (“LCE”)), and battery manufacturing. The Company is targeting an initial phase (“Phase 1”) production capacity of approximately 20,000 tpa of battery-quality lithium hydroxide, in addition to approximately 2,000 tpa of battery-quality lithium carbonate. The Company’s engagement with government, the Fort McDermitt Tribe and local stakeholders is planned to continue over the next year in anticipation of the ROD being issued by early 2021. The ROD will include the agency’s decision, alternatives considered and the plans for mitigation and monitoring, if required. The lithium deposit hosted in the McDermitt Caldera has been drilled extensively by Lithium Americas and heritage owners of the claims. However, the full extent of the deposit has not been defined. To this end, Lithium Americas has also submitted a Plan of Operations for exploration in parallel to mine Plan of Operations. Approval of this plan would allow Lithium Americas to explore other areas within Thacker Pass that have potential for lithium enriched sediments, including areas south of Highway 293 and areas east of the proposed pit. Lithium Americas has successfully produced over 5,000 kg of high-quality lithium sulphate, the precursor for lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate, at the Company’s process testing facility in Reno, Nevada. Lithium sulphate has been sent to crystallization vendors to make battery quality lithium hydroxide samples and provide the process flow sheet and cost estimates. Additional mineralized material from the Thacker Pass deposit was collected in 2019 from numerous areas of the proposed pit. These samples, totaling approximately 60 tonnes of material, represent the various ore types predicted to be encountered across the proposed pit area. The samples continue to be processed at the facility to optimize and further increase confidence in the flow sheet. Building on the results of the National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) Technical Report on the Pre-Feasibility Study for the Thacker Pass Project, dated August 1, 2018, Lithium Americas is currently working with Sawtooth Mining LLC (exclusive mining contractor for Thacker Pass), TIC-The Industrial Company, a division of Kiewit Corporation, and professional services firms to produce a feasibility study. The Company is targeting a Phase 1 production capacity of approximately 20,000 tonnes per annum of battery-quality lithium hydroxide, in addition to approximately 2,000 tonnes per annum of battery-quality lithium carbonate. Lithium Americas expects to release a NI 43-101 feasibility study on Thacker Pass by mid-2020.