LITALICO Inc. announced a private placement and entered into a third-party allotment agreement with new investor UBS A London Branch to issue 18th Stock Acquisition Rights 10,870 units at an issue price of ¥1,195 per unit for the gross proceeds of ¥12,989,650,19th Stock Acquisition Rights 8,000 units at an issue price of ¥ 1,126 for the gross proceeds of ¥9,008,000 and 20th Stock Acquisition Rights 5,000 units at an issue price of ¥915 per unit for the gross proceeds of ¥4,575,000; aggregate gross proceeds of ¥26,572,650 on July 3, 2024. The transaction has been approved by shareholders of company and is expected to close on July 19, 2024. The exercise price of 18th stock acquisition rights is ¥2,300, exercise price of 19th stock acquisition rights is ¥2,500 and exercise price of 20th stock acquisition rights is ¥3,000 from July 22, 2024 to July 21, 2027, which is the trading day following the allotment date. There are no transfer restrictions on the stock acquisition rights, but the transfer of the stock acquisition rights by the intended recipient will require the approval of the Company's board of directors in the third-party allotment agreement to be concluded with the intended recipient.

If the intended recipient transfers the stock acquisition rights, the intended recipient will have the acquirer succeed to the intended recipient's contractual status under the third-party allotment agreement, including the obligations corresponding to the rights to designate the exercise of the stock acquisition rights, designate the suspension of exercise, and cancel the same. The total amount to be paid is ¥6,026,672,650; total amount of to be paid for the Stock Acquisition Rights is ¥26,572,650, Value of assets to be contributed when exercising the Stock Acquisition Rights is ¥6,000,100,000, Estimated issuance costs is ¥12,000,000 and net amount is ¥6,014,672,650.