The board of directors of Linekong Interactive Co., Ltd. announced that Mr. Mao Zhihai has resigned as an executive Director, the joint company secretary, the authorised representative, the compliance officer and the secretary to the board with effect from 11 June 2015 due to pursuit of personal career development. Mr. Mao will not offer himself for re-election as an executive Director in the forthcoming AGM, while Mr. Mao will remain at the office of the chief financial officer of the company until 24 July 2015. Ms. Lam Wai Yee Sophie, the other existing joint company secretary of the company who meets the relevant requirements under Rule 5.14 of the GEM Listing Rules, will continue to act as the company secretary of the company after the resignation of Mr. Mao takes effect, the company has complied with the relevant requirements and does not require to seek a further waiver from the Stock Exchange in relation to this matter.

The board further announced that Mr. Wang Feng, an executive Director, will assume the role as an authorised representative of the company, and Ms. Liao Mingxiang, an executive Director, will assume the role of compliance officer of the company in place of Mr. Mao with effect from 11 June 2015.