Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd. had entered into an agreement with Phafag AG for its Caroverine molecule for the treatment of Tinnitus - commonly known as 'ringing in the ear'; a condition where the inner hair cells get damaged causing continuous depression, anxiety and insomnia in patients. Millions of people around the world suffer from Tinnitus. Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd. became the first company in India to introduce a cure for Tinnitus as TINNEX Injection and Capsule using Caroverine.

Now the company introduced Tinnex Ear Spray. With a large number of people suffering from Tinnitus and not much being done about it, LPL invested in the R&D and took the first steps towards bringing patients suffering from Tinnitus closer to treatment. The company developed Caroverine Injection, Capsules and Ear Spray under research and development collaboration with Phafag AG (Switzerland) to introduce TINNEX.