LifeBrandz Ltd. announced cessation of Dato' Alvin Joseph Nesakumar as Independent Director, Chairman of Remuneration Committee, Member of Audit Committee and Nominating Committee. Other DirectorShips Past include Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad MGRC Trading Sdn. Bhd.

MGRC Healthcare Sdn. Bhd. MGRC Therapeutics Sdn.

Bhd. Other DirectorShips Present are as follows: Medi Lifestyle Limited Widuria Sdn. Bhd.

3Logy Media Sdn. Bhd. Aptomed Sdn.

Bhd. (dormant). Reason For Cessation: There has been a change in the controlling shareholder of the Company and, as a result, a change to the composition of the Board.

Dato Alvin Joseph Nesakumar's ("Dato' Alvin") resignation is to facilitate the appointment of new Board members nominated by the new controlling shareholder, Aurico Global Holdings Pte. Ltd.