GOWEX signs Philip Brown to lead the growth strategy of the Company in the UK and Ireland

Madrid, May the 8th 2014-. GOWEX (GOW-MAB, ALGOW-NYSE Alternext, LGWXY-OTC Market), a leading company in the creation Wireless Smart Cities® has announced the appointment to the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland General Manager, of Philip Brown, former Chief  Franchise and Operations Officer of CBS Outdoor International (actual Exterion Media), a leading Outdoor advertising company specialising in engaging and delivering valuable audiences for advertisers through a variety of formats including digital.

The introduction of Philip Brown to the management team represents an important pillar in the international expansion strategy of GOWEX, and specifically to the efforts to add new alliances that will expand the company's WiFi network across the region, where it has already announced two important Wireless Smart Cities projects for City of Dublin and, more recently, for the council of Edinburgh.

"GOWEX strategy in the UK and Ireland will focus on creating new Smart WiFi networks both for public spaces and for public transport services, which will attract a wide audience through easily accessible high quality WiFi freemium services, a unique and exclusive product on the market. Cities and transport companies that introduce these networks will position themselves at the forefront of modern telecommunications" and connectivity", says Philip Brown.

Philip Brown, experienced in both Digital Media and Advertising

An Irish citizen, Philip holds a BA (English and Classics) from University College, Dublin, and has extensive commercial experience over 18 years in the outdoor advertising: market as Joint Managing Director of CBS Outdoor Ireland, and more recently Chief Franchise and Operations Officer at CBS Outdoor International responsible for developing the group's advertising network across Europe.

Philip has been closely involved in many landmark developments in Outdoor Advertising including as a founding member of JNOR (Joint National Outdoor Research) in Ireland, the introduction of Digital formats at the Westfield London City mall, and the launch of a variety of other digital products in Ireland, France and Italy. "His extensive knowledge of the outdoor spaces advertising industry across several international markets and his enthusiasm for the GOWEX expansion project in the British Isles, was a crucial factor for the appointment of Philip Brown as new GOWEX General Manager for the UK and Ireland" says Jenaro García CEO GOWEX.

Philip's experience of developing advertising products in outdoor to reach and engage audiences with precision has great synergies with the GOWEX model of using WiFi technology as a communication and advertising channel. And with a recent study carried out by IAB, in the UK projecting 75% Smartphone penetration in the UK and significant increases in Tablet ownership in 2014, GOWEX will be well positioned to benefit from the continuing migration of advertising budgets to mobile digital.

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