The board of directors of Leoch International Technology Limited announced that Ms. YIN Haiyan has been appointed as the executive director and chief executive officer of the company in place of Ms. ZHAO Huan who will remain as an executive Director, with effect from 30 July 2018. Ms. YIN joined the Group in 2004 as manager of the finance department. She was subsequently promoted to deputy general manager of administration department, general manager, vice president of finance department, president, and finally to her current position, in which her responsibilities focus on strategic planning and policy development and make recommendations for the Board's consideration, and leading the management in the day-to-day running of the Group's business in accordance with the business plans and within the budgets approved by the Board.

Ms. Yin is currently the representative of the 14th National People's Congress of Jinhu County, Jiangsu Province, China and the 8th National People's Congress of Huai'an City.