As part of its contributions to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, LASACO Assurance Plc has provided N1 billion free insurance cover to health workers in Osun State.

About 200 frontline health workers involved in the containment of the disease in the state will now enjoy insurance cover to the tune of N5 million each to cover death/permanent disability and medical/hospitalisation expenses.

Managing Director of the company, Mr Segun Balogun, said in a statement that the gesture was to boost the morale and motivate the workers, who are in the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 and are, thus, exposed to several risks.

He emphasised the need of such protection for health workers to enable them focus on their duty calls and not be overwhelmed by the hazards involved.

He commended Nigerians for cooperating with government in the fight against the disease so far and advised them to continue to make the necessary sacrifice by observing social distancing and other preventive measures prescribed so as to quickly achieve the flattening of the curve and eventual eradication of the disease.

Balogun promised that the company would continue to provide Corporate Social Responsibility to support government in meeting the needs of the people. LASACO Assurance Plc, along with other leading Insurers and Ark Insurance Brokers, haS partnered in such similar intervention in Lagos State, whereby insurance cover of N5 billion has been provided for 1000 health workers and volunteers involved in the COVID-19 battle in the state.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan