The Board of Directors of Kværner ASA has decided to change the dividend policy, where dividend payment until now has been considered two times per year, to an updated policy where dividend payment is evaluated once every year. The following updated dividend policy decided by the Board of Directors is implemented with immediate effect: Kværner ASA's dividend policy is based on an annual evaluation of dividend distribution. Decisions as to actual dividend payments shall depend on outlook, liquidity and considerations such as alternative use of cash and future strengthening of the company's financial structure. The dividend payments could either be through cash dividend and/or share buyback. Extraordinary dividends may be considered if, and when the liquidity, financial strength and financial structure of the company allows. The Annual General Meeting will approve the final and total annual dividend based on a proposal from the Board. The Board of Directors also proposed to the Annual General Meeting to approve distribution of a dividend of NOK 0.50 per share after the fourth quarter 2019. This corresponds to a total dividend payment of NOK 134.5 million, equal to about 55% of Kvaerner's net profit in 2019. With the proposed payment after 2019, the total dividend distributed since today's Kvaerner was listed in 2011 corresponds to about 60% of net profit in the same period.