BERLIN, Jan 22 (Reuters) - Germany wants to expand the list of sectors it will protect from unwanted takeovers outside the European Union, the economy ministry said in a proposal on Friday.

A law in place since last year allows the government to screen foreign takeovers on grounds of public interest if a non-European investor buys a 10% stake in a company, sharply reducing the threshold from 25%.

The government said last year it would apply the law to pharmaceutical and other related sectors like the production of protective masks, a measure it said was necessary given the coronavirus pandemic.

Now the government wants to apply the new rules to further sectors like robotics, aerospace, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, quantum and nuclear technologies as well as cybersecurity, the draft proposal showed.

"The federal government must be able to look closely at foreign investments if national or European security interests are affected," said the draft.

The proposal is in line with a screening system approved by the European Parliament two years ago to coordinate scrutiny of foreign investments, notably from China, to protect strategic technologies and infrastructure in Europe.

The new rules, which went into effect in October last year, gave EU countries, not the European Commission, the power to make final decisions on whether to block foreign investments.

Germany in December blocked the takeover of satellite and radar technology firm IMST by a subsidiary of state-controlled missile maker China Aerospace and Industry Group (CASIC) on national security grounds.

Concerns have been rising in Europe about what many EU countries see as an aggressive takeover campaign by China to gain a technological edge through takeovers.

German officials have described the Chinese takeover in 2016 of Bavarian robotics firm Kuka as a wake-up call that underlined the need to shield strategic parts of the economy. (Reporting by Christian Kraemer Writing by Joseph Nasr;Editing by Elaine Hardcastle)