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Data dodania: 24.09.2015

Report ESPI 21/2015
Purchase of shares in Krynicki Recykling S.A. by management personnel

ESPI 21/2015
Date of issue: 2015-09-24
Issuer's short name: KRYNICKI RECYKLING S.A.

Subject: Purchase of shares in Krynicki Recykling S.A. by management personnel Legal basis: Art. 160 par. 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments - information on transactions made by persons with access to confidential information.

Report contents:
The Management Board of Krynicki Recykling S.A. acting pursuant to art. 160 par. 4 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, publicly announces that on 21 September 2015 it received a notification from Mr. Adam Krynicki - Chairman of the Management Board about a disclose of common bearer shares of Krynicki Recykling S.A.
The disclose took place outside the regulated market on 21 September 2012, and amounted to 100,000 (one hundred) shares for a price of 0,10 PLN per share.
Prior to the above-mentioned transactions, Mr. Adam Krynicki owned 3,418,774 shares i.e. 20.07% in the share capital of Krynicki Recykling S.A. and the total number of votes at General Shareholders Assemblies.
Following the above-mentioned transactions, Mr. Adam Krynicki owned 3,318,774 shares, i.e. 19,48% in the share capital of Krynicki Recykling S.A. and the total number of votes at General Shareholders Assemblies.

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