Kopin Corporation announced it will showcase an expanded family of Lightning® OLED microdisplays at this year's Pepcom's Digital Experience! (Pepcom) during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Kopin's OLED-on-silicon microdisplay technology is an industry leader for high resolution, high frame rate, and low power consumption, which are required for making compact, stylish AR/VR/MR headsets.

Kopin's 2.6K x 2.6K (2560 x 2560) OLED microdisplay exhibit performance with high color fidelity, 30-bit video input, up to 120-Hz frame rates and high pixel density (approximately 3000 ppi compared to the best iPhone screens with < 500 ppi), which provide a smooth, high dynamic range (HDR) quality visual experience. Kopin's patented DoCTM backplane integrates MIPI and display stream compression circuits, together with duo-stack OLED architecture, to provide the high brightness and ultralow power performance. Kopin's expanded family of Lightning OLED products includes new ultralow power 0.26” VGA (640 x 480), 0.39” XGA (1024 x 768), and 0.61” XGA microdisplays targeted at portable handheld and wearable products.

These complement Kopin's existing 0.49” 720p (1280 x 720) and 0.99” 2K (2048 x 2048) OLED microdisplays and upgraded 1.3” 2560 x 2560 resolution MIPI-interface display for VR use. Joining Kopin at Pepcom is Lakeside Lightning Semiconductor (Lakeside) who broke ground in November 2022 on a new, OLED manufacturing facility to process 12” OLED backplane wafers. The new facility is expected to be online in 2024.

Lakeside is also planning a second 12” OLED wafer. The new 12” facility, together with Lakeside's existing 8” wafer fab, are expected to provide large-volume, low-cost manufacturing capability to support Metaverse market demands. Kopin Corporation will be demonstrating its latest technology at Pepcom and during CES 2023.Attendees will have the opportunity to see the key advancements of its OLED microdisplays and experience the hardware hands-on in a VR headset.