Kopin Corp. announced that it will demonstrate major enhancements in its Golden-i(R) wireless hands-free computing and communication headset technologies based on natural speech and motion control. In addition to new functionality driven by software upgrades, the Golden-i 3.8 is a smaller and more powerful reference design aimed at the light industrial and professional market.

The Golden-i 3.8 will be unveiled at the Verizon booth (Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall, Booth #31400). The new reference design Golden-i 3.8 is half the size and half the weight. It is also foldable to fit in one's pocket and packs 16 times more processing power.

Golden-i 3.8 has a new low light, inertial stabilized high-resolution camera to provide real-time video streams. It also has an accessory infrared camera that provides police, firemen, paramedics and first responders with night vision and thermal vision.