In his New Year speech today, 11 January, Chairman of the Executive Board Rob
van Gelder noted his expectation that 2010 would be a difficult year: "Our
markets will not yet recover in 2010." The chairman indicated that Heijmans had
carefully plotted its course and that it had "cut its 2009 cloth to match its
2010 coat".
For 2010 he said Heijmans anticipated a year in which revenue would decline
further, operational results would nonetheless be positive, but modestly, and
the debt position could be reduced further.
In 2009 Heijmans cut 1,300 jobs, strengthened its capital structure by EUR100
million through a rights issue, and decided to adapt a strategy focusing mainly
on the Dutch market.

Heijmans also announced a number of proposed management changes.

Executive Board / Corporate Board
The current Vice-chairman of the Executive Board, Mr Gerrit Witzel (58), will
succeed Mr Rob van Gelder (64) as Chairman from 28 April 2010. As agreed in
2008, Rob van Gelder is to retire.
The Supervisory Board proposes appointing Mr Bert van der Els (55) to the
Executive Board. Bert van der Els is currently a member of the Corporate Board.
The Executive Board will then comprise: Gerrit Witzel (Chairman), Bert van der
Els (Vice-chairman) and Mark van den Biggelaar (CFO).
Mr Jan Kleijn will become a member of the Corporate Board as of 1 May, taking
over the position of Bert van der Els. Jan Kleijn is currently Residential
Building Manager.
In addition to the aforementioned Executive Board members, the Corporate Board
will comprise Messrs Ton Hillen (Property Development and Residential Building)
and Jan Kleijn (Non-residential Building and Technical Services).

Supervisory Board
In accordance with the departure schedule Mr Hans Bartelds (Heijmans N.V.
Supervisory board member since May 1994) will step down as Heijmans N.V.
Supervisory board member on 28 April.  Hans Bartelds may not be reappointed. The
Supervisory Board will open two vacancies, and in the AVA of 28 April it will
nominate Ms Pamela Boumeester, proposed by the COR within the framework of the
enhanced recommendation right, while also nominating Rob van Gelder for member
of the Supervisory Board from 1 July 2010.

Annual results
The Executive Board has decided to bring forward the date for presenting the
2009 Annual Results by two weeks, from 25 March to 11 March. The Annual Report
will appear in the second half of March.

For further information:

Michiel Segers
Director of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations
+31 73 543 51 90
