Konica Minolta Showcases Newly Developed, Highly Durable Film Mirror for CSP
at World Future Energy Summit as Reference Exhibit

Tokyo (January 16, 2012) - Konica Minolta Opto, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced today that the company is showcasing its newly developed film mirror for Concentrated Solar Power generation (CSP) as reference exhibit in the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization's (NEDO) and Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East's booths at the World Future Energy Summit 2012 (WFES), the world's foremost annual conference and exhibition for next-generation energy innovations and clean technologies, held from January 16 to 19, 2012 at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates.

Among worldwide initiatives toward the reduction of carbon dioxide emission, renewable energies have especially drawn increasing attention. Using mirrors to concentrate sunlight and converting it to heat by which turbines are driven to generate power, CSP has strong benefits in high energy efficiency and superb connectivity to existing fossil-fuel power station facilities and has become one of the most promising power-generating technologies.

The performance of mirrors that directly receive and reflect sunlight is important in CSP. As the system is built and stays outdoors for a long period of time, mirrors must have a high durability against deterioration of materials or scratches and soils by sandstorms, among others.

Utilizing its proprietary technologies to resolve those challenges, Konica Minolta has driven development of film mirror with higher reflectivity and superior durability than existing ones. The company is proud to exhibit the newly developed film mirror for the first time at the WFES.

1. High tolerance against scratches by sand

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