Knights Group Holdings plc (AIM:KGH) will look for acquisitions. Andrew Beech, Chief Executive officer said, “And that's, I think, going to be relevant going forward in recruitment and the scale of being larger and being more known is helpful. And the second thing I just want to focus on here because I'm not really talking about it after this slide is acquisitions.

And just to give you clarity about our intent at the moment. We definitely still want to do acquisitions. There's no question.

But it's need of the moment to just slowdown, which is what we've been doing. I think the acquisitions we'll do at the moment will be similar to what we've announced today in Bristol. We'll look at some small ones for a few reasons.

We don't want to do anything more substantial at the moment while the market is going into an economic downturn because I think that will affect the actual valuation of the law firms we're talking about. I think it will increase their appetite to want to seek the safe sanctuary that Knights gives them. So I think the conversations should be logically, in my mind, the wheels should be oiled in respect of those say, medium or larger acquisitions.

So I see that down the road a little bit, say, probably in a year's time when we understand what '23 has delivered economically. In that time, I think we will look at some small ones like we've announced today that will help us get a turn into a market like it does in Bristol this morning. It gives us a good chance to then explore the Birmingham market with virtually no risk coming up very little capital out for a very small law firm.

So that's the future, I think, over the next month. There will be some acquisitions, but I think they'll be smaller”.