Klockner & Co has established kloeckner.i, a group center of competence for digitalization, in Berlin. kloeckner.i's main task is the development, testing and Group-wide roll-out of digital solutions. kloeckner.i is also responsible for managing online marketing activities and, as a platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas, for coordinating all activities of Klockner & Co's national subsidiaries within the framework of digitalization.

Furthermore, kloeckner.i will build a comprehensive network with the startup scene. The new company is based in Berlin. Providing close proximity to the local startup scene the decision to establish kloeckner.i in the German capital was also part of the recruiting strategy.

The new company will employ up to 20 people by the end of 2015. In addition to internal talents, kloeckner.i will be hiring people with expertise in e-commerce, online marketing and business intelligence.