Kee Song Bio-Technology Holdings Limited announced that the new appointment members of the company's Audit Committee. Name of the previous position holder: Ng Boon Yew, Koh Seng Choon, Tsai Wen Xian. Resume of the previous position holder: Ng Boon Yew: Chairman of Raffles Campus Pte.

Ltd. Koh Seng Choon: Executive Directors of Restaurant Association of Singapore Tsai Wen Xian:Vice Chairman of EnTie Commercial Bank. Name of the new position holder: Ng Boon Yew, Tsai Wen Xian, Lee Hong Jin. Resume of the new position holder: Ng Boon Yew: Chairman of Raffles Campus Pte.

Ltd. Tsai Wen Xian: Vice Chairman of EnTie Commercial Bank Lee Hong Jin: Senior Vice-President of the Capital Group.