Kenedix Office Investment Corporation has announced that the Investment Corporation decided to issue investment corporation bonds, based on the comprehensive resolution concerning the issuance of investment corporation bonds passed at the board of directors' meeting held on November 22, 2019. Outline of Investment Corporation Bonds: Name: Kenedix Office Investment Corporation Eleventh Series Unsecured Investment Corporation Bonds (Ranking pari passu among specified investment corporation bonds and Small private placement with restrictions on splits) ("the Investment Corporation Bonds"); Total issue amount: JPY 2,000 million; Form of bond certificate Subject to the provisions of the Act on Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds and Shares, bond certificates will not be issued; Issue price: JPY 100 per JPY 100 of each bond; Redemption price: JPY 100 per JPY 100 of each bond; Interest rate: 0.250% per annum; Denomination price: JPY 100 million; Offering method: Small private placement with restrictions on splits; Subscription date: January 24, 2020; Payment date: January 30, 2020; Collateral and guarantee: Neither collateral nor guarantee is provided for the Investment Corporation Bonds, and no asset has been particularly secured for the Investment Corporation Bonds; Redemption method and date: The total amount of the principal of the Investment Corporation Bonds will be redeemed on January 30, 2025.