Kavango Resources plc announced that drilling is about to restart on the Company's Kalahari Copper Belt ("KCB") project area following a scheduled summer break. Hole KCBRD006 oKavango will recommence drilling on the sixth and final hole in the current drilling programme on prospecting licence ("PL") PL082/2018 this weekend. Upon completion, the Company expects to have drilled around 1,640m in the programme, exceeding its original guidance.

KCBRD006 is targeting a major stratigraphic structure identified by its Controlled-Source Audio MagnetoTelluric ("CSAMT") surveying. oKavango has interpreted the CSAMT data as indicating the presence of a D'Kar/Ngwako Pan horizon contact. This is the primary control for economic copper/silver mineralisation in the KCB.

The Company's analysis identifies this as a continuation of the horizon hosting Sandfire Resources neighbouring Kronos copper target zone. Kavango began drilling KCBRD006 in December 2022 and following a scheduled break in its ongoing PL082/2018 drilling campaign is about to continue the hole to completion. The Company expects to have drilled approximately 1,640m over six holes once the hole completes, exceeding the 1,250m it originally planned.

To date, 1,211.97m have been drilled. Line 4A was extended beyond the licence boundary to the southeast and onto ground held by Sandfire Resources. This ground hosts the Kronos copper target zone ("Kronos"), which is known to lie at a D'Kar/Ngwako Pan horizon.

Kavango's interpretation of the inversion shows that the horizon hosting Kronos extends over the licence boundary and across PL082/2018 as a syncline. With KCBRD006, the Company is testing for favourable host geology associated with resistivity highs related to this interpreted Ngwako Pan horizon. KCBRD006 is being drilled on the northwest edge of PL082/2018, which the Company has interpreted as a limb of the syncline where it rises towards the surface.

Targeting the horizon on its shallowest interpreted zone enables Kavango to physically confirm its presence in the quickest and most cost-effective way possible. Kavango commenced KCBRD006 using the Reverse Circulation ("RC") technique with a multi-purpose rig. This approach permits a cost-effective start to drilling the hole.

Drilling is being completed using the Diamond Core technique to provide a higher quality of data for analysis. KCBRD006 is being drilled approximately 250m to the south-southwest of the last hole in Kavango's PL082/2018 drill programme, KCBRD005. This was the first hole to be targeted principally using CSAMT and encountered an intense zone of brecciation and shearing intermittently from 379m to the end of hole at 497.55m.

Kavango drilled to the end of the brecciated zone to act as a control for future use and interpretation of CSAMT.