Kane Biotech Inc. announced that it has signed a worldwide license agreement with Omni Bioceutical Innovations Inc. for its coactiv+ line of scalp care products. The five-year non-exclusive agreement will see Omni commercialize Kane's scalp detoxifier product under the Omni Bioceuticals brand in the medical aesthetics market. Kane's scalp care product line addresses minor health ailments where biofilms contribute to the problem.

It contains Kane's patented coactiv+?? technology which is formulated to break down bacterial and fungal biofilms as well as the accumulation of precipitated shampoo films that exacerbate the symptoms associated with common scalp conditions. Kane launched a shampoo, shampoo bar and scalp detoxifier under the DermaKB??

brand in 2020, as its first products in their new skin care line.