FRONTEO, Inc. and Japan Third Party Co., Ltd. announced that in December 2016, they will provide the second phase of the curriculum on the Lit i View PATENT EXPLORER (“PATENT EXPLORER”), an intellectual property strategy support system utilizing AI. The curriculum is jointly developed by FRONTEO and JTP to enable users expertly use AI in practical applications. In the previously announced first phase of the expert skill training program, the two companies plan to begin providing the “AI KIBIT Initiation into Lit i View AI Sukedachi Samurai” curriculum on November 25, 2016.

This curriculum enables non-IT personnel to leverage AI for problem-solving in the fields of sales, marketing and consulting. In the second phase, the two companies have developed the “AI KIBIT Initiation into Lit i View PATENT EXPLORER” curriculum, which enables the personnel responsible for intellectual property in enterprises to learn how to utilize AI. The curriculum combines the PATENT EXPLORER system for patent analysis incorporating FRONTEO's KIBIT AI engine and the know-how that JTP has accumulated in technology education.

PATENT EXPLORER has been utilized by major manufacturers as a system to significantly improve the efficiency of patent analysis, such as prior art search and invalidity search. Leveraging the expertise in these fields, the curriculum enables the personnel responsible for intellectual property in enterprises to learn how to perform analysis for more prompt and precise investigations, how to create teacher data and how to read analysis results through practical lessons on model cases. By providing AI expert skill training programs, FRONTEO and JTP believe they can increase the number of AI experts who are able to utilize data buried in enterprises, improve white collar productivity, conduct risk management and find new business opportunities.

There are plans to expand options such as the timing of training and the way it is provided to further accelerate the utilization of AI in Japanese enterprises and organizations.